

A statistics tool for hunting in Entropia Universe.


    1) Skip universal ammo: This will skip all universal ammo in the loot list.

    2) Skip all mining loot: This will skip all mining and refined resources in the loot list.

    3) Show PED summary as percentage: This will show the PED summary as a percentage of the total loot. This can be toggled by clicking the totals PED summary in the main tool.

    4) Show PED summary with markup: This will show the PED summary with markup.

    5) Show DPP as PEC: This will show the damage per ped / pec as PEC instead of PED.

    6) Include TT in markup: This will include the TT value of the resource in the markup calculation.

    7) Automatic weapon detection: This will automatically read Entropia Universe game to get your weapon equipped. Enabling this will disable weapoon hotkeys.

    8) Show multies in loot list: This will show the multipliers in the loot list.

    Multies will show x0.47 means that the cost vs. ped received, like: cost 2 ped, get 0.5 back show x0.25, cost 2 ped, get 4 back show x2.

    9) PED limit for loot to show up in "Your globals": This limit is used to filter out low loot items from the "Your globals" list. This is ment to be a lower number.

    10) Automatic screenshot of any loot over this amount of PED: This is the limit for the automatic screenshot feature.

    11) Entropia ingame full name: This is your full name in Entropia Universe. This is used to filter out your globals from the chat log.

    12) Entropia ingame TEAM name: This is your team name in Entropia Universe. This is used to filter out your globals from the chat log.

    13) Hotkey for toggling amp: This is the hotkey you press to toggle the amp on and off. This is used to filter out the amp from the chat log.

    14) Hotkey for toggling markup: This is the hotkey you press to toggle the markup on and off. This is used to filter out the markup from the chat log.

    15) Details for downloading upgrades: This is needed to download upgrades from the program.


    1) Tracking total winnings / loss. This can be shown as total PED or percentage.
    2) Tracking ammo use, cost and decay.
    3) Tracking creature type and names.
    4) Tracking skills.
    5) Total loot list.
    6) Total loot grouped.


    1) Calculating markup returns.

    You can double click in the item in the "grouped items" list, to add new items fast.

    2) Scanning markup windows, press / to scan the markup window.
    This will add or overwrite the markup for the item.

    Click "Yes" to add or overwrite the markup, "no" to cancel it.

    You can change the hotkey for scanning markup in the settings:


    1) Skip items you don't want to track.

    You can double click in the item in the "all items scanned" list, to add new items fast.


    Alerts for globals, hofs, and items.

    Alerts are used to trigger an overlay alert. A transparent window will appear in center of the screen, with a message. If you use matches, the alert will have those added in the alert.

    Examples of patterns:

    Match a specific item:
    Chat.log text: XXXX has found a rare item (Aeglic Ring, Improved) with a value of 10 PED!
    Group: Globals
    Pattern: has found a rare item \(Aeglic Ring, Improved\)

    Match looted items:
    Chat.log text: You received Shrapnel x (2738) Value: 0.2738 PED
    Group: System
    Pattern: You received Shrapnel x \([\d]+\)

    Match creature name:
    Creature name: Berycled Young
    Group: Creature
    Pattern: Berycled

    Match custom channels:
    Chat.log text: [#cyrene_rangers] biome up!
    Group: Custom - name: #cyrene_rangers
    Search pattern: biome

    Chat.log text: You received Shrapnel x (2738) Value: 0.2738 PED
    Group: System
    Pattern: You received (.*?) x \([\d]+\) Value: ([\d\.]+) PED

    This will show Shrapnel, 0.2738 in alert.

    If you have a hard time using regex patterns, goto that explains and will help a lot.


    1) Right mouse click on the item you want to remove.
    2) Click "Delete".
    This will remove the item from the list and the stats.


    1) Graphs for winnings / loss.
    To activate the overlay, simply click the "Overlay" button. This will hide the window and make it transparent, allowing you to view the overlay on top of other applications.

    2) Graphs for income.

    3) Overlay for streaming or if you only have one screen.

    Select any of the checkboxes to toggle the hit stats, total creatures killed etc.
    Click on the "overlay" button to hide the window and make it transparent.


    1) Automatic screenshots of all globals or higher.


    1) Click the "SESSIONS" button and a quick menu will appear. From here you can start, save, split and add extra costs to session.

    2) Session list: Here you can select any previous session and load it as you never stopped the session. You can select multiple sessions to view totals over several sessions.

    3) Split up a session.
    When you split a session, the program will still get the total stats, but it reset the current stats and show you both.

    4) Add extra costs, this will add a value specified by you, this will be deducted from the totals.

    5) View all your sessions as a graph.
    6) Save the graph as a CSV file.


    1) Automatic weapon selection.
    2) Highscores list with filtering (regex available).
    3) Feature for havesting trees:

    Add your harvester as a weapon. This will track the decay and cost of the harvester.

    This site and Entropia Tools programs are copyrighted 2022-2024 by Asmussen Systems.
    Email us at: or join Discord channel